Final project release

Well, it took me long enough, but I'm finally satisfied enough with the project. Four kinds of tasks, a time limit, and 8 increasingly harder stages. You only need a mouse to control the game, but Space/Enter skips the intro cutscene and advances menus.

And a trailer! (Recorded with ver. 0.0.1, with only 2 tasks and no time limit)


During early stages of our projects, we gave the games out to others for playtesting and feedback. Mine was a super early prototype, so a lot of the feedback was pretty obvious. The main points were:

  • Nice concept, but needs more puzzles
  • Time limit mode
  • Textures, graphics
  • Music
  • Hints for puzzles

Music, graphics, more puzzles, and a time limit were planned from the start, so that only took time to implement. Hints were added too, in the form of brief descriptive text, as well as popups for the large switch task if the player loses grip too many times (as the switch must be pulled slowly).


I don't plan on expanding the game, or this version at least. Due to time constraints, the programming is a bit of a mess, so working further with this codebase would not go well. However, I want to tackle more personal gamedev-y projects sooner or later. With that being said, I hope the short game/demo plays well!

The game unfortunately won't run on WebGL, as VFX Graph requires compute shaders, which are unsupported.

Files 81 MB
32 days ago

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