Journal Entry 2

Date: 24/03/06 (just past midnight)

Activity: Making a few 2D levels, testing out Gamekit2D

Invested hours: ~4-5h


This is my first time working in 2D! Luckily most of my skills from 3D and UI carried over, so the main problem was coming up with a playable level layout and some interesting stuff. I decided to play around with lights some more, and that's when I came across 2D Shadow Casters. I decided to use them right at the start, and after some sorting layer fiddling, I had a nice godrays volumetric light effect ready. I used the same techniques to make acid pools just a bit more intimidating too.


Don't trip and fall!
Aren't the shadows just such a nice extra touch?

To note, the UIMenus scene must be included, otherwise pausing won't work. I included the Loading scene too, just to be safe. An EventSystem was also required to make the menu interactable. I ended up hopping back and forth between my custom levels and the five example levels to get a few more things working, such as popup dialogue or key collection.

Outcome: 2 short levels, and testing out 2D Shadow Casters

Files 87 MB
Mar 06, 2024

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